Child Development

In Giggles we fully recognise this incredible window of development in a child’s life. In our baby rooms we have some of our most experienced and empathetic Early Years Practitioners.  The focus is providing a nurturing environment with opportunities to build attachments with consistent practitioners in the care room.

In our baby rooms we deliver respectful caregiving through a warm, nurturing, and consistent routine. Babies are so curious, and our environments provoke opportunities to stimulate their senses.  Our baby rooms have homely soft areas with spaces to create purposeful interactions with other babies and colleagues in the room.

toddler room image
In our baby rooms we focus on

Social/emotional well-being

Communication and language

Physical Development

BabyRomm set up

There is a real focus on the relationship that exists between the practitioner and the baby.  We know the importance of quality interactions and this is how babies communicate with adults, who in turn takes and interest in their attempt to communicate. Children need genuine opportunities for two-way exchanges. Babies learns through actions and interactions with people and objects around them.

Babies need a close relationship with one or two constant adults for their healthy development. In a nursery, this is called a key-person system. This is an Early Years Practitioner  who will pay particular attention to the baby, complete observations, asks parents about likes, dislikes, worries and tracks the baby’s progress which is later shared at parent meetings and via our family app.

Babies thrive when there are trusting relationships between their parents and the setting which is why it is also important that parents can visit and spend time in the setting beyond pick up and drop off times.