Giggles Early Years is allocated EA funded Preschool nursery places.

We were categorised as outstanding in our most recent eti inspection. We can now proudly offer 3-4 year olds the opportunity to complete their Preschool education prior to starting school. The Preschool year is more than preparation for primary school.

It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. Preschool has the possibility to nurture caring, capable and responsible future citizens.

Giggles Funded pre school is unique, we are able to offer parents the opportunity to attend an outstanding setting that offers a free breakfast club between 8am to 9am and the ability to offer different wrap around options for those parents in work or education.

Giggles Early Years has a clear emphasis within the Preschool on ensuring that the learning experiences enjoyed by children are of the highest quality and provide a firm foundation for future success in their education and throughout their lives.

To achieve this, we follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum for Preschools

Personal, Social and Emotional

This Area of Learning is of the utmost importance for young children in all aspects of their lives. It is about children’s emotional well-being, understanding of who they are, and respect for others and their environment.

It is also about forming and sustaining relationships, beginning to understand emotions, learning how to self-regulate, and developing positive dispositions to learn. Good personal, social and emotional development gives children the best opportunity for success in other Areas of Learning.

Physical Development and Movement

Children enjoy physical play both indoors and outdoors. They revel in freedom of movement and in play that is inventive, adventurous and stimulating. Giggles Early Years offers physical play that develops gross motor skills, for example running, jumping, climbing, skipping, hopping, balancing, kicking, striking, throwing and catching, helps children to develop balance, control, co-ordination and an awareness of size, space and direction.

Gross motor skills need to be nurtured, not only because they are important for the child’s long-term health and well-being but also because they support physical and cognitive development.


Giggles Early Years understands that language development is crucial to living and learning: to communicate with others, to share and express feelings, to give and obtain information, and to understand ideas and develop thoughts.

Being able to understand and use language allows children to:

  • make their needs, thoughts, feelings, and ideas known.
  • interact socially as they play together;
  • manage their own behaviour and self-regulate their emotions; and
  • learn independently and collaboratively.

Early Mathematical Experiences

A positive attitude towards and an understanding of mathematical concepts are essential in everyday life. These develop slowly in young children, so they need opportunities to revisit activities and to experience mathematical ideas in many different contexts.

Giggles Early Years plan and organise play which seeks to  extend, informally, the mathematical experiences the children have already had in their home environment. This helps lay the foundations for positive attitudes

The Arts

We offer ample opportunities for children to express their creativity. Creativity is about making new things, taking risks, experimenting, coming up with new ideas, solving problems and coping with uncertainty.

Creative play, both indoors and outdoors, not only helps foster these skills but can also assist with emotional development and social interaction. It can promote aesthetic awareness and be an avenue for self-expression.

World Around Us

From their earliest days, children try to make sense of their world. They are naturally curious about their environment and the people around them and frequently ask questions. Through a wide variety of activities and experiences in play, children begin to develop a range of skills and concepts such as observation and experimentation

Our environment

The preschool environment reflects the ethos of the centre. Our approach to learning is through play-based theory. Our curriculum is key to the children’s development and encompasses a wide range of practices and research.

When children are secure and happy, they learn and flourish to reach their full potential. We promote authentic natural environments promote problem-solving, determination, resilience and independence.

Click below to read our latest inspection report: